First year production: 2015
Property: Tommasi family
Oenologist: Emiliano Falsini
Agronomist: Giancarlo Tommasi
Conduction: Conventional
Bottles produced: 110.000
Hectares: 22,00
Address: From the A1 exit at Chiusi-Chianciano and continue on the SS Cassia - S. Quirico d'Orcia towards Montalcino
In addition to being affable and good, the fourth generation of Tommasi, shout Venetian producers, is also represented by irrepressible persons. They travel to sails explain their properties between Veneto, Lombardy, Tuscany and Puglia. The Casisano Podere, on the south-east side of the Montalcinese denomination, between the Abbey of Sant'Antimo and the Valley of the Orcia River, is characterized by a warm climate and land of pure galish, in a well-ventilated position. The choice to use in the cellar only large barrels or that of not producing Brunello in less promising vintings like 2014, it says a lot about the type of commitment to the Valpolicellese family. In the absence of Brunello "Vintage" there is therefore an excellent reserve of 2013 and with the reassure of Brunello Targato 2010, which appeared in a particularly happy moment of its taste-olfactory evolution.