Property: Bettarini family
Agronomist: Stefano Bartolomei
Conduction: Conventional, eco-sustainable
Bottles produced: 150.000
Hectares: 33,00
Address: From A1 exit at Empoli. 
The Bettarini wine was born under a luminous star. The farm begins to delineate its production around mid-three years when Othello, known industrial Prato with astronomy ball, remains so electrocuted by these campaigns to decide to move. Certainly they are the stars to have guided him, and that light of the night sky of the Empolese countryside shining punctual on the beautiful family vineyards. Past the productive witness to his nephew Riccardo, today the friendly sons of the latter, Rolando and Ilaria occupied today, him to look after the cellar, she as a sales manager. This year we act the lack of some reds intent on completing the maturation phases, we will talk about it in the next edition of the guide.